Donations & Wishlist
Covenant Acres totally depends upon the financial support from individuals, churches, businesses and organizations that believe in and support our ministry.
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A capital Campaign donation supports new construction and upgrades of existing facilities. Our current focus is on our “10 Year Vision Plan”.
Send-a-Kid-to-Camp: This scholarship program allows kids without financial resources the opportunity to attend summer camp. Your gift of $275 will enable one child to attend a weeklong camp.
General Gifts and in Kind: Donations and gifts given to Covenant Acres allows us to provide facilities and programs at the lowest possible price. These gifts are applied to where the need is greatest and are considered un-designated. Covenant Acres also accepts donation in kind of food, materials, various assets, and vehicles. You may have a vehicle, property, or other items of value that you can give. It may be something that we need or something that we can sell for cash. To donate Gifts-in-kind, call Tom at 585-493-2220 or email [email protected]. If you would like to give to something specific through our “wish list” you can do so by clicking on to the words “wish list”. This link will direct you to the list of needs we currently have for our camp.
You can give a tax-deductible donation monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or a onetime gift. Our donors select the method that best fits their means: Authorized automatic deduction from your account, Visa, MasterCard or Discover card.
Prayer Partner: We offer a prayer partnership called: C.A.M.P.S. (Covenant Acres Ministries Prayer Support) If you would like to be a part of our weekly prayer team (C.A.M.P.S.), we will set you up on a weekly email for our prayer concerns and needs. C.A.M.P.S. is also used for urgent prayer requests as well. Join our prayer team today by email: [email protected] or by phone: (585) 493-2220.
Adopt-A-Ministry: The Adopt-A-Staff Ministry is a program where the counselors raise their own financial support while they are involved in the summer camp ministry at Covenant Acres Camp. Since 2004, when this ministry originated, we have raised over $125,000 through your gracious support.
Each summer, the counselor ministry cost is over $24,000. If that money is not raised, that amount is taken from the summer camp program, thus making the cost of camp significantly higher. That would mean that some children would not be able to attend camp due to the higher cost.
Through this ministry, the cost to go to CA’s summer camp has been reduced by as much as $75 per camper and made affordable to all children and teens. We have also opened up scholarships for individuals with full financial need. This means, without being burdened by the financial aspect of camp, we are able to provide counselors, activities, and needed supplies for our campers and program. We recognize that children are, in fact, our future, and we place much emphasis on their spiritual development, character, integrity, and leadership. CA’s ministry has influenced campers’ lives in such a way that they have come home from camp and actively contributed to their churches, communities, and schools.
Covenant Acres Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-deductible organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. All gifts are tax-deductible. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contributions. The benefit to you consists solely of what the IRS considers “intangible, religious benefits”.