The following polices have been approved by the Board of Directors of Covenant Acres Ministries, Inc.
- A reservation cannot be confirmed until a deposit equal to 25% of the estimated total is received.
- No reservation will be held more than three (3) weeks without the required deposit.
- A non-refundable deposit based on fifty percent (50%) of a retreat groups total food service cost and lodging is required thirty (30) days prior to arrival in order to guarantee food service.
- The remaining balance is due in full (7) days before the retreat.
- The Camp Director should be notified of changes in reservations as soon as possible but no later than 30 days prior to your reservations.
- Check-in time is 4:00 PM. Check-out time is 2:00 PM. Any changes will require special arrangements to be made in advance with the camp Director.
- When multiple groups are using the camp, the camp director will assign cabins and schedule the use of common facilities.
- Groups are responsible for cleaning the camp prior to departure. Each group will leave the buildings clean and ready for the next group. Failure to clean adequately will result in an additional clean-up charge.
- The camp director or a designated representative will check the facilities with a group member prior to the groups departure. Groups will be financially responsible for damages and inadequate cleaning.
- The camp reserves the right to charge for damages or any cleaning required.
- Vehicles are restricted to maintained roads and designated parking areas. USE OF TRAIL BIKES OR OTHER OFF ROAD VEHICLES IS PROHIBITED
- No live trees are to be cut or damaged in any way.
- No plants are dug or removed from camp property.
- Firearms and fireworks are prohibited.
- No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are permitted.
- Fires will be built only in areas designated for such use. Fires will be attended at all times by a group member and properly extinguished when campfire activities are completed.
- The camp telephone is for the camp business and emergency use only.
- Fishing is permitted by registered guests only. All conservation laws apply. All fish caught must be released.
- Anyone in a canoe or boat must wear a Coast Guard approved life jacket at all times. (during season)
- No hunting is allowed.
- All equipment must be returned to its proper place.
- Prior to arrival, all non-profit and business groups must contact their insurance carrier and provide Covenant Acres proof of liability insurance.
- All groups must check in with the office at Cedar Hall upon arrival.
- Treat the facilities with care, no inside rough housing or moving of furniture.
- Lights MUST be turned off during the day or when not in use or when the building is empty.
- A minimum of one adult should be assigned to each sleeping room, though we recommend that groups with minor students consider that the two adult rule is the accepted practice. Camps MUST follow NYS Health Dept. rules.
- Please restrict all food to common areas and clean up after yourselves.
- Smoking is not permitted in the buildings, in the presence of minors and only in designated areas.
- Report any prior broken or damaged equipment to the staff.
- Lights out at 12:00 midnight (or at your discretion) and quiet hour begins at 11pm.
- Guests are to bring bedding, towels and toiletries.
- Please obey the Speed limit on all camp roads.
- Pets are not permitted on the grounds without the prior approval of Covenant Acres.
- Please return all boats and other equipment used by your camp or group back to its proper place. Clean up fees will be charged for misplaced equipment.
- Swim only in designated areas and only when a certified lifeguard is on duty (during season). Camps MUST follow NYS Health Dept. rules.
- Waterslide is not available without permission and the presence of a certified lifeguard (during season). Camps MUST follow NYS Health Dept. rules.
- No one is permitted on the lake without a certified lifeguard and lifejackets. Camps MUST follow NYS Health Dept. rules.